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  • By requesting to join the A SHOPPING DAY Influencer Program (“the Program”) you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.


  • Influencers who wish to join the Program may apply for the Program. Currently, you must have an account on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube or any other social media account to qualify. FROM ONE TO TEN (“FOTT”) will review the audience and engagement metrics of your social media presence to determine eligibility, and its determination of eligibility is final and not open to challenge and/or appeal.
  • Once a social media channel is submitted and approved to join the Program, it cannot be connected to other FROM ONE TO TEN accounts. Only 1(one) FROM ONE TO TEN connection is allowed per social media channel.
  • If your application is declined, you must wait 30(thirty) days before singing up again using the same account on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest or YouTube.
  • Once your application has been approved, you cannot change or remove your connected social media accounts. Please contact hello@fromonetoten.com if you require the amendment or removal of any of your connected accounts.

General Program Participation

  • Your participation in the Program and use of your Affiliate Link (as defined below) constitute your full and unconditional agreement to these Terms & Conditions, as well as FROM ONE TO TEN’s decisions and interpretations, which are final and bidding in all matters related to the Program.

Membership Tiers

  • The Program consists of 5(five) progressive membership tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. All membership tiers enjoy a variety of benefits made available by FROM ONE TO TEN at its sole discretion from time to time (“Benefits”). Benefits may vary by tier and some tiers may offer more Benefits than others. The type, timing and availability of any Benefits will be determined by FROM ONE TO TEN at its sole discretion.
  • Memberships will be upgraded from their current tier to a higher tier when members achieve certain thresholds of revenue (“Revenue”) during their current membership period, as explained below. Upgrades to higher tiers will occur after every month’s review process.
  • Memberships in the Program will expire at the end of the 365(three hundred and sixty five) calendar days from the date a membership tier is attained. There will be a monthly review of each influencer’s tier status for relevant commission percentage calculation based on the total amount of new sales brought in by the influencer.
  • Memberships may be upgraded or downgraded to relevant tier group based on the total amount of new sales bought in by the influencer monthly.
  • Bronze memberships do not expire.
    • Bronze tier : No minimum Revenue requirement. A qualified influencer will remain at the Bronze tier until at least US$300.00 in Revenue is generated.
    • Silver tier : The influencer will be placed in this tier when at least US$300.01 and up to US$1,000.00 in Revenue is generated.
    • Gold tier : The influencer will be placed in this tier when at least US$1,000.01 and up to US3,000.00 in Revenue is generated.
    • Platinum tier : The influencer will be placed in this tier when at least US$3,000.01 and up to US5,000.00 in Revenue is generated.
    • Diamond tier : The influencer will be placed in this tier when at least US$5,000.01 and above in Revenue is generated.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to terminate from the Program any influencers without any referred revenue after 365 days period.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN, at its sole discretion, alter, limit, or modify the Program’s rules, regulations, benefits, eligibility for membership, or any other feature of any particular tier, or may terminate a particular tier at any time without prior notice except as expressly set out in these Terms or require by the applicable law.

Influencer Link

  • You can choose your own name to be added to your Influencer Link (“Influencer Link”) when signing up for the Program.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to alter, limit or modify the names influencers choose to be added to their Influencer Link.
  • You should not customize or promote your Influencer Link in a manner that could be interpreted as impersonating, representing, or claiming relation to a third party in an effort to generate Commission. Influencer Links that can be interpreted as being customized to resemble existing Influencer Links belonging to third parties will be automatically deactivated.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to deactivate any Influencer Links if we find them to be inappropriate or objectionable at our sold discretion.


  • Commission will be calculated based on the membership tiers influencers fall into each month.
    • Bronze tier : receives 7% of Revenue
    • Silver tier : receives 8% of Revenue
    • Gold tier : receives 10% of Revenue
    • Platinum tier : receives 11% of Revenue
    • Diamond tier : receives 12% of Revenue
  • Influencers may be eligible to receive additional 5% commission; each 1% at or during below occasions:
    • 1% additional commission rate for every $10,000 sales reach
    • 1% additional commission rate during special occasions as announced by FROM ONE TO TEN such as during Christmas Sale or Summer Sale
    • 1% additional commission rate during the influencer’s birthday month
    • 1% additional commission rate for 3 top-performing influencers every month
    • 1% additional commission rate when an influencer creates, posts and tags FROM ONE TO TEN for the beauty box they receive
  • Payments for earned commissions are made on the end of month when commission balance reaches $20 or more for the previous month’s Revenue.
  • Commission earned does not accrue interest.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN shall not be liable for any loss caused by non-acceptance, rejection or delay of payments, or incorrect payment information.
  • Only 1(one) PayPal account can be linked to 1(one) influencer in the Program. If PayPal account is linked to multiple influencers in the Program, any earned Commission will be forfeit and the PayPal account will be disqualified for payment use.
  • Should there be any disputes concerning Commission or payments of earned commission, FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to make the final decision.
  • In the event of a Void payout, FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to recover from influencers the corresponding commission previously paid. The Void commission can be immediately deducted from future payment and in the event that influencers’ commission balance is less than the Void commission, the Void commission can be deducted against influencers’ future commission earnings. Influencers will NEVER be asked to send money to FROM ONE TO TEN.
  • VOID” means a reversal of a Payout previously earned for a sale, that is later rescinded or corrected by the Merchant. Merchants may VOID transactions that are fraudulent, or in the case of returned merchandise, duplicate transactions, or other valid reasons.

General Promotional Restrictions

  • Each influencer is only allowed 1(one) A SHOPPING DAY Program Account. Extra Influencer Accounts and any corresponding Influencer Link belonging to a single influencer will be disabled.
  • You may share your Influencer Link on your personal blog or personal social media accounts (e.g. Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, etc.) subject to the terms and conditions of those accounts. However, your social media profile shall not contain an avatar or any other content that could be interpreted as being managed by, or otherwise related to or associated with, FROM ONE TO TEN.
  • Your social media account username and Influencer Link cannot include, contain or otherwise resemble the word “FROM ONE TO TEN” or “A SHOPPING DAY”. Your Influencer Link also cannot include an existing or previous FROM ONE TO TEN promotion or coupon code.
  • You cannot customize your Influencer Link to match any of your social media account usernames. Conversely, you cannot rename any of your social media account usernames to match your Influencer Link.
  • Influencers should only operate 1(one) social media account per social media platform to promote their Influencer Link. Promotion of a single Influencer Link using multiple accounts belonging to the same social media service is not allowed.
  • Your social media account username cannot include, contain or otherwise resemble the word “FROM ONE TO TEN” or “A SHOPPING DAY”. You also cannot customize your Influencer Link to match any of your social media account usernames. Conversely, you cannot rename any of your social media account usernames to match your Influencer Link.
  • You are expressly prohibited from posting your Influencer Link on any official FROM ONE TO TEN social media accounts or the FROM ONE TO TEN website (in reviews, social media comments, etc.) in an attempt to generate Commission. You are also prohibited from posting any comments on any official FROM ONE TO TEN social media accounts or the FROM ONE TO TEN website that could be interpreted as promoting or attempting to redirect users to other Internet locations (e.g. websites, or social media accounts or pages) that feature or distribute your Influencer Link.
  • You are prohibited from posting your Influencer Link in an attempt to generate Commission, or posting comments that could be interpreted as attempting to promote or distribute your Influencer Link, on any social media accounts or website owned or operated by entities affiliated with FROM ONE TO TEN, including but not limited to influencers, feature brands or other entities that participate in the Program.
  • Your blog, website or social media pages may not resemble FROM ONE TO TEN’s website or include any content that could imply an affiliation with FROM ONE TO TEN.
  • You may email your Influencer Link using your personal email. However, such emails cannot look as if they are being sent or sponsored by FROM ONE TO TEN.
  • You may not create or utilize any client side application (browser plugin, extension, executable, etc.) on any device that might imply affiliation with FROM ONE TO TEN.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to immediately void your Commission and/or suspend your Influencer Link if fraudulent promotions or other conduct, including but not limited to the examples listed in these Terms & Conditions, are detected or suspected.

Influencer Sponsorship

  • FROM ONE TO TEN will collaborate with outstanding influencers in the form of giveaways, product reviews, beauty box seedings, content exchanges or coupons sponsored by FROM ONE TO TEN. Your performance will be reviewed from time to time by FROM ONE TO TEN, and selected influencers will be informed of collaboration opportunities.
  • Influencers can participate in collaboration opportunities offered by FROM ONE TO TEN in the form of giveaways, product reviews, beauty box reviews or content exchanges.

Sponsored Products

  • From time to time, FROM ONE TO TEN may offer free products (“Sponsored Products”) to influencers in exchange for promotional considerations (as defined below).
  • All participating influencers claiming and receiving Sponsored Products must create content (“Content”) or, if specified or required by FROM ONE TO TEN, perform promotional activities with Sponsored Products on the Instagram, TikTok, Twitter or Pinterest account, or the YouTube channel they have registered with FROM ONE TO TEN. Influencers must send links as proof of Content to hello@fromonetoten.com or DM at @fromonetoten_official on Instagram.
  • Only links to content on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest or YouTube will be considered valid links for proof of Content. Unless specified otherwise, links to other content or social media will not be considered as valid submissions for the purposes of this program.
  • Sponsored Products offered are only available while supplies last on a first-come, first-served basis or by selection by FROM ONE TO TEN. Only the product option (color, size, etc.) indicated as “free” qualifies as a Sponsored Product. Alternative options do not count as Sponsored Products and will not be given for free.
  • Claiming Sponsored Products will only be possible during the time period announced on the FROM ONE TO TEN website and on FROM ONE TO TEN’s Instagram.
  • Influencers may only request 1(one) Sponsored Product per campaign announced.
  • If an influencer claims a Sponsored Product, and the product is re-offered at any later date, then the influencer is prohibited from claiming the product an additional time. Influencers may only request a specific Sponsored Product 1(one) time.
  • Due to limited supplies of Sponsored Products, requests for reshipment will not be honored under any circumstances.
  • Sponsored Products are non-transferable, and may not be redeemed or resold for cash.

Collection and Use of Content

  • Content related to FROM ONE TO TEN and the Program, including but not limited to Content featuring Sponsored Products, that a FROM ONE TO TEN Influencer produces for their social media channels or Content submitted directly to FROM ONE TO TEN by the influencer may be collected by FROM ONE TO TEN for its own use (including, but not limited to, for marketing purposes). Such content may consist of such YouTube or TikTok videos, Instagram posts or other social media posts, including text, images, video, and post data created by the Influencer that mention FROM ONE TO TEN as a sponsor or partner, use FROM ONE TO TEN in a hashtag (e.g. #fromonetoten, #FROMONETOTEN, #FromOneToTen #FOTT), or feature Sponsored Products or other products received from FROM ONE TO TEN as a part of the Program.
  • As a FROM ONE TO TEN Influencer and in consideration of being admitted to the Program, you agree to grant FROM ONE TO TEN a non-exclusive and irrevocable right to collect your Content from social media channels and the FROM ONE TO TEN website for marketing, promotional, or analysis purposes. You also agree to grant FROM ONE TO TEN’s business partners a non-exclusive and irrevocable right to publish your Content for marketing, promotional or analysis purposes. Your granting of such rights does not constitute an agreement that any specific Content will be published by FROM ONE TO TEN or FROM ONE TO TEN’s business partners. Any use or publication of your Content shall be at the discretion of FROM ONE TO TEN or FROM ONE TO TEN’s business partners.
  • If you do not agree to the collection and use of your Content, you may inform FROM ONE TO TEN and choose to withdraw from the Program anytime.

Membership and Status Suspension and Banning

  • Influencers will be banned from the program if they create content featuring FROM ONE TO TEN products or the FROM ONE TO TEN brand name that also includes the following:
    • Curses, obscenities or profanity
    • Racist or discriminatory content
    • Sexual content such as nudity or sexually explicit images or video
    • Comments responding to or copying content created by other influencers or content creators
    • “Spam” content
    • Off-topic discussion
  • Influencers will be automatically banned from the Program if they are determined by FROM ONE TO TEN to have caused brand damage by posting and spreading inappropriate content, such as the examples previously listed, via comments or private messages on any social media channels, or have conducted themselves in a manner that could be interpreted as bringing FROM ONE TO TEN into disrepute.
  • Influencers will be suspended from claiming Sponsored Products if they request more than 1(one) Sponsored Product per campaign.
  • When claiming Sponsored Products, Influencers must submit proof of Content for all products received. If an influencer fails to submit proof of Content, they will be suspended from the right to claim other Sponsored Products until proof of Content is submitted via hello@fromonetoten.com or DM at @fromonetoten_official on Instagram.
  • Influencers will be banned from the Program if they perform any of the following actions after claiming Sponsored Products:
    • Resell a Sponsored Product to a third party
    • Deliberately submit incorrect or invalid proof of Content
  • FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to immediately void Commission, suspend or ban influencers, and/or void FROM ONE TO TEN membership (including A SHOPPING DAY Influencer Program status) if any fraudulent activity, abuse or conduct, including but not limited to the examples listed above, is detected or suspected.

Continuation or Transfer of the Program

  • You acknowledge and agree that FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right at its sole discretion to transfer, assign or handover (the “Transfer”) the Program and/or all or any part of its underlying interest and rights (including your eligibility, participation and/or membership in the Program and the underlying content) to another affiliate within the same group structure of FROM ONE TO TEN.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN shall notify its influencers of the Transfer in advance (including the new Terms & Conditions, if applicable) by publicly posting as appropriate, and if the influencer does not agree to the Transfer and/or to be bound by the new Terms & Conditions, the influencer may inform FROM ONE TO TEN within the designated timeframe and choose to withdraw from the Program accordingly. Otherwise, all then eligible influencers shall be automatically enrolled into the new program according to the then Terms & Conditions (as appropriate).

Liability Disclaimer

  • By requesting to join the program you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.
  • Only FROM ONE TO TEN accounts verified with an email address and social media profile can be associated with the Program.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to terminate, discontinue, modify or cancel the Program at any time and in its sole discretion without notice to you. However, FROM ONE TO TEN will make reasonable efforts to notify members of these changes. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon public posting of the revisions.
  • Should there be any disputes regarding these Terms & Conditions, FROM ONE TO TEN’s decision is final.
  • These Terms & Conditions and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Republic of Korea, and all relevant parties shall submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Korea.
  • If discrepancies exist between the English Terms & Conditions and other language versions, the English version shall prevail.
  • FROM ONE TO TEN reserves the right to make changes to its Terms & Conditions at any time, and you are encouraged to visit this website from time to time for details.

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